Alex looking at underwear on a couch



Krakatoa is for the doers, the makers, the go-getters, the lovers, and the ones that make living beautiful.
As a brand, doing what's right always comes first.

Quality Over Profit.
Pride Over Proceeds.
People Above All Else.

Krakatoa is about supporting your neighbor, your community, your friends, and your family.
It's about you.
It's about all of us.

Thanks for dropping by.

Alex on blue background and sunglasses



I started Krakatoa because I believe we deserve better underwear. Men always got the short end of the stick in terms of our undergarments, so I'm working to change that.
After 25+ years of staring at computer screens making incredible video games and working enough to cover two lifetimes, it was time for something different.

I come from a family that is nomadic in nature. We moved continents, countries away, always making friends along the way.

The pursuit of happiness makes us happy.

So when I decided to start my new adventure, my goal was to create something that I could make people feel happy, just like all the millions that enjoyed the games I worked on before.

Alex with lighting doing a photo shoot


This time I wanted to make physical products, something that would touch not only our lives but our skins. But I wanted to make things that would be more than just... things.

Krakatoa is a path towards being able to connect with other people and impact them in new and different ways. And most importantly, allow them to do equally amazing things.

So join me in this journey and let's spread happiness together, one adventure at a time, one person at a time, one underwear at a time.

Because life is better when what touches you matter.